Sunday, January 25, 2009

Can't avoid the Puzzle Geocaches anymore...

I admit it. I have tended to avoid Puzzle geocaches. Why?
  • They take more time to can't just dash and cache
  • You have to solve a puzzle...and there are some really hard ones out there

Now that I've found nearly 300 caches though, it's time to start getting some variety. So loaded up the geocaches in my area and focused on the puzzle caches. Went out and found 15 today - so really chuffed with myself now!

Here is an example of a Alpha - Numeric style puzzle:

Description - "Ask Your Parents" Geocache (2.5 difficulty rating out of 5)

The puzzle is a standard cryptarithm following the standard conventions of the puzzle: Each letter stands for exactly one digit. Each digit is represented by exactly one letter. (That is, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the letters and digits.) Please don't try to make up awkward conditions, because there aren't any.
The two equations are sums. They are taken together. That is the letters in the first stand for the same digits in the second. You will need to solve both sums simultaneously. The solution is unique.

The alpha chartacters are then substituted in a GPS coordinates function (not included here)
The answer will be posted in the comments section...

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